Saturday 9 May 2009


Just in from work and thought I might update this, seen as I haven't in ages. A couple of days ago I went out with tom and got a shot of his mamiya 645e, which is medium format, I'd never used one before and only shot 1 roll of ilford fp4, but this is one of the shots I got from it, and I'm really happy with it, now to try and find something to do on a little to no budget tonight. :) x

Saturday 2 May 2009


Took a wee trip to South Queensferry yesterday, it was pretty decent.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

Decent Day....

Spent the whole day pretty much taking photo's it's been pretty good, Went for a walk down almondale country park with the missus and the camera, got some decent photo's but my camera is begining to drive me mental, it's just not that great anymore. need a new one desperatley, someone buy me a D80?

After this I was about set for the idea of a night in with the football, got textin tom and we decided to go do a shot for his draded unit, which involved me sitting at the side of linlithgow loch, having a fag and playing guitar, can't wait to see the results of this, shot on 5x4 film. it was an amazing sky and I had brought my camera but forgot the SD card so got a shot of Tom's camera and this is what i came out with:

I have just reached my monthly bandwidth on flickr. I need a pro account. x

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Final Day

Using anything and everything as a tri-pod. x

Tuesday 14 April 2009

New York - Day 5

Day 5, and my photographs are getting weird. haha this one is a bit strange, looks like some sort of 50's thing, taken through a window on the staten island ferry, didnt take much photographs today, took the oppertunity to go shopping for a wee break, got myself a nice wee polo at topman in soho. minted.

Monday 13 April 2009

New York - Day 4

Probably not the most productive today of photographing, however it was decent day. I went to soho and grenwich village, which I have decide I will live one day. So cool. and got the above photo of the Friends building. which I like as a photo, and a bit of a novelty that it is where they filmed Friends, cos it was epic. Anyway this part of the city was really nice cos it's a bit quiter than main manhattan, which i now hate, the people there have no pationce or charm. Fuckin' Wanks. Anway today has been tireing so I'm gona have a beer and go for a fag.

"how I wish, how I wish you were here"


Sunday 12 April 2009

New York - Day 3

Today was probably the most successfull so far, Easter Sunday in NY is very weird, and I took full advantage of that to go and do some documentary style work on Digital and Film. They shut of about 4 blocks and had people wandering about with weird hats on and stuff, dressed up and all kinds of things, and this is a couple of the ones I managed to snap.
As per, loads more on Flickr: