Friday 30 January 2009

Trip to Howden Park...

I hoped today was going to be a bit brighter than yesterday, sadly it was not to be, but I still took a trip up to Howden Park, with Ross, which turned out to be not bad, Got a couple of good shots, but the weather was disgusting.

The two I've posted are the 2 I liked the best, although the sky is pretty grey, I think it works quite well with the surroundings, quite mundane and moody. These are pretty much straight off of my camera, with just a bit of editing in the RAW editor in Photoshop.

Thursday 29 January 2009

An Insight...

Into my bedroom, After hours of boredom and raiding flickr I came across some photographs of bedrooms, which then gave me the idea to take photos of my bedroom from completly different angles, Which I quite like, and it was a good way to kill some time.

Not so good...

A photograph my lovley girlfriend took to begin with (on the right), trying her hand at photography to pass the time, when she kindly drove me to the pond and the old brickworks today.

Today was a bit of a dissapointment, set out to get some good shots down at the pond, and it never really happened the sky was a bit dull and it wasnt really happening, but i didn't come away with nothing. I am quite fond of the tree shot below, I loved the the fact that it was just hanging over the pond, quite a nice effect I thought, and an impromtu photograph of my dog, which I think turned out pretty good in the end.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

Getting into this now

3 posts in one day seems a bit much, but it makes this look a bit less bare, so I'll put some more photographs up, After a productive evening of a chick flick and a sly trip to wetherspoons, not forgetting booking tickets to see White Lies in May, good times ahead.

These are some photographs that me and Ross actually took when out and about in Edinburgh, in the national museum, and the one above is at the "Tower Resteraunt" at the the top of it, which we some how managed to blag our way into after a flash of a student card.

One More...

Before i go off to the cinema to watch some ridiculous chick flick with the missus. Orange Wednesdays are a god send for skint students needing something to do on a wedensday night by the way.
This is a photograph i took on the (surprisingly fancy)train home after me and Ross took a trip to edinburgh, to do some composition and cafe culture work, also found a nice wee pub for a sly pint and a pub lunch then took some more photographs ofcourse.

First Effort.

Following in the foot steps of Tom And Scott from my college class i decided to get one of these to show some of the photography i have been doing in and out of college.

This is one which was taken last week, after we had some snow, I took the opportunity to down to a field just outside uphall station and take some composition shots, this being the best one in my opinion.