Wednesday 25 March 2009


After a fairly informative day at college today, on my way home I noticed these clouds in the sky mmaking weird patterns, I usually hate photographs of sky's but these shapes reminded me of a photograph of something i'd seen by Trent Parke. So out came the camera. And after an afternoon spent looking at black and white photos, this one was only gona go one way, I quite like it, quite strange and not ususally my thing, but not bad for a photo taken for the sake of it.

Friday 20 March 2009

Killing Time....

Myself and Ross got bored waiting on the schuh award giving to begin..


So last night I had to shoot this event that was on at the college, Which involved 8 schools using there art and design classes to create shoes out of all sorts of stuff. and they would get entered into a competition run by Schuh, the shoe store, and this was where the announced the winners. There were 4 of us doing it, and we were required to shoot all 8 schools as a group in the studio, a montage of photographs of the different shoes, a photo of every winner going up and getting there certificate, and a group of 35 at the end. This was far from easy, we were sitting about until half 6, when it had been dead for hours, then all of a sudden everyone turned up at ones, which meant we had about half an hour to get 8 schools in and out of the studio. Impossible, Myself and Ross managed to get 2, but then i had to leave as they were starting and had to get some shots of some men in suits making speaches, riviting stuff. In the end we only ended up getting 6 schools, before they started announcing prizes, and with teachers who are unable to shut there mouth for 5 seconds in your ear 24/7 it does not help. So we just set to getting the shots of the winners, when low and behold flash guns start falling right left and center, so we need to start chaning batteries. all the while we can't really get any good shots because the lighting is so bad. and to top it all of, the woman we asked to announce the fact that the 35 winners have to stay behind forgot, so we eneded up with about 20. Not our fault, hers. All in all a very stressfull evening.

Couple more on my flickr:

Wednesday 18 March 2009

Here come's the sun......

Hopefully this sunny weather is here to stay cos im loving it.
On the way back from brickworks I went through the fields to get back to mine to see if i get some more shots, not for any reason apart from the fact that it's been a while.
This is the best of the lot, I really like this shot, its not often i do anything really landscape related but when I do, I do quite like it. as long as it goes to plan. haha. Now im off to get some lunch and hopefully enjoy the sunshine, before a mission of a day tommorow, school kids, about 200 photos, and chaos all day.

I really hate the quality of photographs on this for a decent quality one go to my flickr:

Graded Unit

So there is some ridiculous open day on the go at college today, so I think pretty much everyone bailed. I decided to try and shoot some of my graded unit which is on urban decay. so i headed for the brickworks, where Tom was doing a model shoot, at the same time. I think that actually is everyone's favourite places these days. Anyway I went down there with the mind set of getting at least 1 shot completly different to any iv ever got down there before, and any i've ever seen from down there. And this is what i came up with, a decent effort, but this shoot was really just to fire off some test shots, nothing is set in stone yet. but i did get a good few ideas from roaming around that place again.

Sunday 15 March 2009

Stealing Photos

From Toni's camera.
need somewhere to put them so i can get them when I'm home

This is how my new year went.....

From my room to the dread(full)nought. good times.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

10th march.

Today has been extremly boring, I went out to take some photos but it just wasnt happening, so I went to college to print off some of my portraiture stuff instead sadly this also failed as none of the printers were working. It's just not been a good day, however i did get some of my evaluation done in college, But then had to wait a bloody hour on a bus, First is the worst company ever. And this of all days is the day i try and cut down on smoking. gutted.
All in all its been a pretty boring day though, I cant wait till these deadlines are over and I can start going out in the middle of the week again. Group shot tommorow, hopefully all goes to plan, and and a bit more evaluating and im done, Now im off to see Antonia and have a boaring night in seen as i canny go out in the middle of the week.
I even made these low res jpegs and the quality is still shit on here
I took these ages ago:

Monday 9 March 2009


I think this might turn into a place where I just ramble about anything....

Completely Unrelated...

Listen to British Sea Power

One of my favourite bands at the moment, and amazing live.

Sunday 8 March 2009


Sitting in my bedroom with the snow battering against the window. It's getting a bit old now eh?
Anyway yesterday I redone one of my corporate photos, the one I done of the head teacher at toronto primary I hated it so much so I went to my dads work and shot a completly different type of photograph. I am much happier with this one, I like the use of props, It is much better window lit than the last one, And this is turning out to be quite a decent unit for me, I now have 5 out of 6 shots that im happy with, Trust it to be portraiture eh?

I also just realised how different photographs get when you upload them on this, they go so much lighter, wierd, Anyway you get the idea.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Continueing cafe culture....

Bulking up my project a bit, seen as ross had some along to linlithgow with us today to shoot some cafe culture stuff I thought i'd take the oppertunity, to bulk mine up a bit and get rid of the shots i wasnt to keen on hopefully, So after convercing over a cup of tea we got the cameras out and this is what i came away with. 2 shots that i think work really well in black and white, especially the top one with the lights going off into the distance out of focus, looks really good in my opinion, so turned out to be a right good day.

Good times....

The end of block 2 is actually in sight, and I'm almost done, Today i went through to my dad's work to do a corporate photograph, the second of my 2, however the first will very possiblly be getting re-shot. This one had to be lit with flash so Tom and Ross came through to give me a hand, Thanks to Tom for this one, he's a wizz with a flash gun,
cardboard and a bit of velcro. haha. Shot in one of the conerence rooms, at f.8 and a shutter of 1/200 of a second. I think it works quite well and one of the better of my portraiture unit so far.

Tuesday 3 March 2009


I have finished my cafe culture project, Went to glasgow today, to take a trip down ashton lane, because there are loads of nice pubs and cheeky cafe's. Went into this one called "The Lane" who were a bit sketchy about taking photos, but eventually i got away with it and managed to get the last few shots I needed to fiish this, The project didnt quite turn out as good as i wanted but ther are a few quite strong shots in it, and a few that are definatley making up the numbers tbh. but oh well, has to be done, These are a couple of the ones that I'm really quite happy with, a bit different to the other ones I had taken in resteraunts and pubs, so adds a bit of variation to my project, Now I just have a bit of colour calibration, and a couple of portraits which should be taken care of tommorow, and block 2 is done,thank god!

Monday 2 March 2009

Almost there....

The final slog of this portraiture unit, and today I shot my school portrait, pretty standard, but it had to be done, got my little brother in to do it. I used a standard 2 light set up one with a softbox over it the other with an umberealla. I am still hating this project to be honest, portraiture just does nothing for me, and this was probably the worst of the lot, horrible backdrop, Model has to be very formal, no creative outlet with this shot what so ever, however what has to be done has to be done.
I decided to take a shot of the studio set up today aswell, bit more creative than a school portrait....